Friday, January 28, 2011

Dresser before and after :)

Bug's dresser was a difficult little beast. First off 4 of 6 drawers were in cracked and broken pieces, only the drawer fronts were use-able. A side panel was cracked and the finish on it was in horrid condition but, I loved the strong lines and the price (I got it for free, thank you lady on Craigslist who was cleaning out her garage!). It took 9 months of sitting in our garage before I was able to do anything with it, and then another 2 1/2 weeks to get it to where it is now. My amazing dad helped a bunch by making new drawers for me while we visited for Christmas... basically the dresser would have ended up in a landfill if he hadn't steped in. After we came home with the drawers there was a ton of sanding, priming and painting involved, and numerous re-dos because of bubbling paint. I am so happy to have it done and in my little Bug's room.

Ah, finally done... all of the decorative trim was painted by hand in a black gloss and the dresser got 5 coats of glossy Navy paint. I'm still searching for those perfect handles, but someday I will find them.

(Bug couldn't wait to get his toys back "where they belong" even though mommy was still taking pictures.)

If you'd like to see more about the transformation, check out the 2 posts before this one :)

1 comment:

frillsfluffandtrucks said...

That looks great--HUGE improvement!

~ Sarah