Friday, December 17, 2010

my first cross stich!

Sorry for the lack of posts, but the holiday season has taken our household by storm. We are currently preparing for a long drive to Phoenix for Christmas, so finalizing lists, cleaning house and packing are the chores of the day. However, I thought I'd share my first completed cross stich with you. It is an ornament for my son Nathan on his first Christmas... now I just need to find a round silver frame for it :).

This is the next one I am trying (WAY more complicated... I'm a bit scared):


PeregrineAce said...

So cute! Where'd you get the pattern?

Leah Ketchum said...

I actually modified it from a picture of a discontinued pattern... crazy for my first one right? but it was the one I liked the most but I couldn'd find it for purchase anywhere.

Leah Ketchum said...

I'm still trying to find info on the original design... I'd like to "buy" this one from the original designer so that I dont feel so bad about making it, plus then I'd have the original color instructions :)